Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Lets talk about licking the dog..

Mamas Tell All

Alright readers...
You read that correctly..
Licking the dog, so if you are not an animal lover I advise you to click away from this page now!
Final warning....

Its that time again already!
Time to link up with The Southern Mama and peeps for the mamas tell all.
This weeks topic-
April 8: To Spank or Not to Spank – a discussion on discipline: when to start, how to implement, and how does it change as kids get older 

Now I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the blog not to type in this tiny newspaper column like shape when I link up with Mamas tell all, so just ignore it :)

Elliott is only 9 months old, so discipline hasn't been  much of an issue as of yet...
 I will tell you I am a 'NO' mom, I say NO to my child...
 I KNOW (haha) parenting books etc. recommend we use other words but its not the only word he hears. Its in moderation and we try to elaborate on why we are saying 'no'. And at 9 months he gets it, he knows when Mom says "No Lelly, don't touch" he spins around fast on his bum and stops what he was doing, so to me that's a parenting win! 
Maybe I'm messing him up terribly and will pay for saying NO down the road but that's the approach I'm going with... hahaha

Now more than anything I wanted to talk about the kind of parent I am, or thought I was. I feel like I'm pretty loosey goosey when it comes to parenting I let A LOT of little things slide (as you will see in videos, scroll down) 
My attitude is what doesn't kill you makes you stronger (thank you Kelly Clarkson!) and god made dirt, dirt don't hurt.
I try to pick my battles and if Elliott gets a bump on the head I don't rush to his aid because most of the time if he sees that I noticed he crys like he just lost a limb but if he looks at me and I'm not paying attention he shrugs it off and continues playing.

BUT HOLY MOLY I was at play group last week and I was watching the itty bittys running around that large tile floor room and I just wanted to run after them and cover them with bubble wrap! They were no bigger than Elliott and were running and falling and screaming and the moms were not phased at all, they were happily chatting away with one another not even noticing that their 1 year old was standing on a yoga ball, about to climb out the window lolol

So I guess I'm not as easy going of a mom as I thought, more middle of the road but I think that's a good place to be :)  

Now for the goodies!
Elliott and our Dog Marley have a special bond, its hilarious and adorable. I let things go further than probably a lot of moms would but like I said "I'm a cool mom"

Check out their bondings below:

Don't worry those are very clean paws!! I'm honestly more concerned with him licking the dirty couch! lol
Private language chat ^
What a pair!!
What kind of mom are you?
Are you the mom you thought you would be pre-kiddies??
Is your kid as gross as mine or is he an anomaly????



  1. This is so funny! Thanks for linking up to Mamas Tell All!

    1. Love linking with the mamas!! Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. I am a helicopter mom for sure! As you read in my post! Lol that is so funny about Elliott licking the dog!!!

    1. Im not a mommy yet, I have taken so many trainings on parenting and work closely with children. Ironically Im still scared I wont be a good mom, because you moms are amazing regardless of saying too many No's or not.

    2. It's so hard to find the balance!! Eeekkk I just try to trust my instincts hopefully they're the right instincts. Hahah
      Thanks for stopping by ladies! :))
      Love mingling with mommas and non mommas and a pet mommas count too! Hehe

  3. lol with the first I was helicopter mom now number two has loosened me up. haha. this is so funny. thanks for linking up

    1. I think with 2 I'll be like "yeah whatever, just don't touch the stove!" Hahahah thanks for stopping by :)))

  4. lol with the first I was helicopter mom now number two has loosened me up. haha. this is so funny. thanks for linking up

  5. Thanks for linking up w us again this week! :) Before my second was born back in December I feel I was actually more lenient with my toddler, but now that my 2nd is here I seen to not let stuff slide as much. Maybe I am not as patient now! :P

    1. Eeekkkk that makes me sooo interested to see what kind of momma I will be with two!! (Note number 2 is not on the way!! But someday hahah)
      Loving these link ups :))

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Erin :))) they're two of a kind for sure heheh

  7. Great post! You are doing an awesome job Mama - I bet you are lenient in the areas that work for you and your family - I think I would freak out if my little was trying to climb out a window and I also am a "no" mama. So count me in the club if it means we are giving our children a complex - it works for us. FYI I think the Button for Mamas Tell All is giving you the column issues. Maybe try putting the button on your sidebar or at the end of the post - it might help! Thanks a million for sharing!

    1. Thanks Brittany :)) it's so had to find the balance, just following my instincts and hoping for the best hehehe we are all in the same boat, one day at a time :)
      Oooooo yes I will try posting the button last next week! Thanks mama

  8. Have you tried typing your post up, then adding the link button at the bottom?
    Anyway, I love that your child actually listens and stops when you say "no", unlike my children who pretty much all just respond to "no's" with mischievous smiles, and then continuing their naughty behavior. Totally agree that you pick you battles, most things aren't worth stressing over, and yep about "dirt don't hurt". :)

    1. Whooo thanks for the tip Justine going to try that next week! Nothing worse than late night blog problems, I said forget it! News paper column works Lolol
      Well days Elliott listens but days... Oh some days. I wonder if the terrible twos have hit my 9 months old already!!! :)))

  9. Too funny! You're doing a great job Momma! Keep it up!! :)

    1. Thanks Sara!! Back at you!! It's an adventure everyday that's for sure :))

  10. Kiddos and their pets! Haha! Just be sure to keep some pictures for the senior year photobook. Muahahaha!
