Thursday 25 August 2016

Maybelline Color Jolt lip paint..

I'm finding it harder and harder to judge or grade lipsticks..
may sound crazy to some, but this is true.

Maybelline color jolt lip paint
I had high high high expectations for.

I'm not head over heels but I'm not dissatisfied.
see, I am such a lipstick snob, I can no longer tell what's great and what's meh
just take a look at the evidence and decide for yourself..
I am no longer a helpful blog, I am just a girl who is as stumped as you
^ looks gooooooooood in the above photo. win.

^ tube is kinda tiny. not a bad thing, just meh.
easy to lose OR takes up less space   ..... ? win/lose you decide

^ applicator a bit fuzzy. not terrible but takes patience.
however! its not a matte, set, instadry formula so you can wipe any mistakes easily.

wear: not a dry finish so does wear off
BUT fades evenly (orange outburst anyway) so you don't look a hot mess.

^NOT kiss proof

^ kinda digging the shiny, still wet views tho..

overall thought
I really like this lip paint.
Its a bold, shiny, glossy, pretty look.
Its also a little messy, not the longest lasting (but I didn't mind the length), non matte (if that's what you want).
I don't think I'll rush out to buy another but I will keep wearing this one and contemplate purchasing the hot pink...
me too.

Sunday 21 August 2016

FaceOff makeup remover..


I went to a concert last night and actually applied some makeup so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to remove said makeup with the FaceOff Cloth! 

the results took me by surprise!
I was a total skeptic!
I thought for sure this was going to be a regular face cloth and I would have makeup smeared all over my face, then have to go in with a makeup remover after use.

I'm happy to say I was wrong!
It surprisingly did a decent job of makeup removing without any makeup remover assistance and I went to bed with a decently clean skin feeling.

(in my next video I want to have a face cloth showdown and see how the FaceOff compares to a regular face cloth when used in the same manner. would a regular face cloth be just as affective?? hmmm)

see the FaceOff in action for yourself! >

^ the concert look, and it was very sticky humid so my skin was oily by the end of the night!

^ I am lazy so you know this was the best way to show off all the info you may be wondering about!

^ the Rascal Flatts were awesome! and Jason Blaine did an amazing job opening for them
I sat back and enjoyed it so much I didn't take any photos! (see why I have been blog lacking, I am slacking! lol)

Tuesday 2 August 2016

What life is like when you are a hoader, Elliott's room edition..

I'm going through a MAJOR 'purge the clutter' season of life..

*FYI I just read my last blog post and it was hilarious..
if you can follow my "type the way I talk" and no proof reading blog style, I applaud you! xox

the clutter
its making me INSANE
I keep getting rid of things and yet I still feel smothered
I am not naïve to the person I am
I'm obviously never going to be Lauren..
How does she do it??

I just want to be mildly clutterless
or organized clutter if you will :)

I will tell you, I really, really am working on it.
I mean I just purged my Vans sneaker collection that I've had since high school (we're talking 13 years people) it was hard to do but it was for the best.

one major problem is my ADHD
it has me all over the place
I start cleaning the basement and before I know it I'm up two levels in Elliott's closet..
which brings me to today!
I never really showed off much of the house (mainly because we're still working on it)
but I thought I would throw out some photos of what's been shaping up..

this is our entry way ^
how do people keep this clutter free??
If I was doing a blog photo I would've moved all the junk but I want to show off how we really live hahahha
I just hung the photos there yesterday..
the alarm system just seemed to stick out so much, I figured I would try to camouflage it
I still need one piece to hang next to the Newfoundland photo, and maybe something above the alarm but I'm in no rush. whenever I rush I seem to get something I'm not 100% satisfied with = clutter!


 Elliotts play room, I managed to get a whole garbage bag for donations out of there today and it still looks full ugh

BUT how cute is this pillow??!!
Its super Mario bros and its Halifax!!
god its cute hahahh
check Etsy!
he got it for his birthday but I'm sure its an Etsy find.
Now onto his room..

I rushed my decals and they didn't turn out as I planned!
I eye balled it and they ended up being way too close together and way too many.
but I digress..
if you have not heard of Urban Walls you need to get there ASAP.
right now!
leave my site!
Urban wall decals are AMAZING.

My nanny gave Elli these adorable wooden trucks.
I'd like to get a floating shelf system and put them on display.

that banner was from his Birthday party.. I couldn't not use it!

See how do I declutter that room???
I can't.
that's the answer.
however that room is good compared to the others...
stay tuned~!


Monday 1 August 2016

Thrift tales: funiture and outfits..

I was at Bible thrift and saw this little bed side table..

I knew I already had too many night stands but it was SO cute!
as soon as I see a furniture piece I already know what I want to do with it, and then I cannot resist.
its a disease.
I still had some Rustoleum coral spray paint at home so I set out to the back yard and went for it!

the easiest fix in the world!
I sprayed the body coral and the handles with a seafoam
Originally I was planning on selling this one because I really don't have the space but once it was finished I was too in love to part ways.
$6.95 table
$11.00 spray (I already had the spray so this doesn't count for me ;))

Next up was this bar stool.
there's just something about bar stools that I love!
they're so freaking cute and this one was so vintage-y but in mint condition.
minus all the dust! it was clearly in someone's grandmothers basement ..

All I did was remove the seat and spray paint the bottom with the Rustoleum seafoam colour.
I love the camel colour top, its super soft and cool looking so I wasn't about to mess with a good thing and start recovering.
I was going to sell this one too but I have this addcition.. its called I love to hoard all things hahahh

then at Guys Frenchys I came across the cutest shirt dress and it was brand new!
tags attached!
I mean just because the tags say $78 doesn't mean someone paid that but it still makes me feel like for the $4.50 I spent I really got a steal of a deal!

I paired it with a belt when wearing alone because it looked better with a pulled in waist but later on I left the belt at home and headed to the movies with just the dress, some flip flops and a jean jacket on.
oh and a bright red lipstick!
it was a super easy cool style ;)