Last week I got to visit the Spa!! -
It was an exclusive event with the owner, Lisa.
I love being in a group session and hearing the thoughts and concerns from all skin types/ages/colours. I was secretly salivating to fill the air with all sorts of questions but I didn't want to monopolize everyone's experience!
I did offload a lot of info in the videos I shared on Instagram and I saved them so you can watch on my highlighted section - Spa PJ Party Click Here
How often do you wash your face???
I will self admit, I struggle with skin care.
I love makeup so much but I find skincare daunting.
I have rosacea and milia, where do I even start?!
Turns out I should start with twice a day cleansing!
One of the first questions Lisa asked us was "whats something we're probably doing wrong but could fight signs of again and give us better skin?"
I thought maybe over cleansing???
I've heard of that.
When you take everything out of your skin but never replace the moisture.
Or maybe, tugging too much??
I still think this is partially true!
We need to think of our skin as precious cargo when washing, around our eyes especially!
Think of that under eye skin like you do tissue paper.
It is delicate!
The real answer was so simple, 'not cleansing enough'.
Lisa said we should be washing our face, toning and moisturizing 60 times a month!
I was shocked but also, not at all surprised!
Next, we did a mini demo of wash, tone, moisturize and we added in a face mask for good measure.
Something I really took to heart last year was how amazing good quality skin care products are.
I started using high-quality skincare on a consistent basis and it was the first time in a long time that my skin looked dewy and glowy without any makeup on.
Lisa provided us with the most high-end products I had ever used and they were worth the hype!
(they had that soothing, relaxing spa smell!)
First, we washed with a cleanser, then we used a peel like product - the more you swirl it around your skin the more debris will come off.
Next, we applied a mud mask, I learned that you can spray toner directly into your mask.
You can mix the two together in a bowl with a brush and it will keep your mask more hydrated.
You can even spray toner on your face once the mask is on!
(this is so genius but I would have NEVER thought to do it)
Mud masks are great but they can turn into that crispy desert feeling once they dry down and it may take a lot of pulling to remove.
You don't have to let that happen, spritz with toner to keep it soft and clay-like.
Another tidbit that is really important like I mentioned above: cleanse the skin around your eyes using a 'C' shape pattern.
Don't go pulling under eye skin all willy nilly!
My biggest take away was the 60 day cleansing "challenge"
I'm calling it a challenge because I want us to try this through the month of March!
What if we all wash, tone, moisturize morning and night for a whole month?!
We can take a before and after photo and track our progress!
We also got to tour the Spa and its truly beautiful (show me a Spa I dont like, eh?).
There is a really lovely lineup of chairs at the pedi station where you could have a couples appointment, go with girlfriends/bridal/baby/birthday/endless scenario of party people and overlook the Bedford Basin while your toes soak.
Don't we all look fresh faced?!
I think we look so good!
At the end of the night, we were all smiles.
A little pampering and self-love can go a long way in keeping me in a balanced mental state.
I think Lisa suggested making a professional skin care appointment every 60 days and I say, if you can't get in on that timeline try for every 3 months and if that's out of reach get there at least once a year.
I promise a simple birthday or Christmas gift of a Spa gift certificate will be worth more in happiness than it will in cash value!
Additional thanks to: for providing us all with matching jammies! for providing delicious snacks! for providing us with the tools to meditate on the spot and for reminding us to give ourselves permission to power off, shut down screens and be more present in everyday moments!
Awesome reminder! I’ve gotten out of this habit and need to get back at it!! Also, I’m totally jealous and now want a spa day with a face focus - I’ve never done that!