I can't believe the summer is half way over!
This has been the fastest summer to date, which is a bit crazy considering how long the days can feel over here...Days are long but the years are short, am I right?! haha
This September will bring another time of change for our family, Noelle will start school for the first time.
She did go to preschool this last year, twice a week for 2 hour stints which was amazing and I'm really thankful we decided to send her because the school was amazing and she thoroughly enjoyed every second.
But "big" school is a whole new ball game.
I will be sending 2 kids out the door in the am and they won't be coming home until the afternoon -
this sounds like a dream! ha
However, Nilah is still at home with me and honestly that makes the kids being away seem sort of lonely.
Nilah loves having people nearby and she's a stage 2000 clinger so its nice to have some distractions around so I can get a few basic things done - like make lunch, brush my teeth.. lucky to get those 2!
Nilah loves when I squat so she can sit on my knee. Picture a demanding 2 year old telling you to get into squat position so they can sit on your knee and throw their arms around your neck in a big bear hug.. 45 times a day lol.
This is a part of why I decided to take on childcare, we're going to take my nephew in and babysit him!
Its one of those things that is worth a try, he is such a happy baby, he's a little go-go-go monster which may take some adjusting to but I couldn't not try it.
Its a win-win because we will get to spend more time with him, see him grow, make that cousin bond, while my sister can have some flexible childcare and at the very worst case if it doesn't work out well, we're out nothing and we had some special time together.
That leaves me with some big decisions.
This year will be the busiest season of our lives and I already feel like I can't get any busier than I am!
What do I do about Scentsy, Signs, Etsy and Blogging???
This is my first personal photo of Scentsy that I took way back in 2014!
I always had some brand of wax and warmer but I started using Scentsy brand 7 years ago and I never looked back!
I love the wax scents, the warmers and all the goodies!
I've been a consultant for 2.5 years now and I love making samples and couldn't wait to get back into fairs and shows.
Then there's my signs!
I started making them back in September of last year and I've had incredible success.
I cannot thank you all enough for supporting me, it means so much.
Things were moving so quickly I couldn't even keep up!
I started talking to Nick about what I should drop off my plate and he of course, said
He thinks the amount of mess and work I put in for what I sell them for is just not worth it and sadly, I have to agree.
It takes over my entire life, island and kitchen table.. the whole house turns into my workstation for days at a time.
I've been trying to hard to start a business this last year that I just completely burnt out.
I stopped creating things for myself, my house would never have a sign of its own, I didn't have time to blog, or do makeup or do my hair or fashion tidbits that I always loved to do.
So when I was asking Nick what I should give up, I kind of already had Scentsy and Signs both crossed off the list.

It's heartbreaking to me and I still don't know if I'll go through with it but all I know is that I haven't been posting about Scentsy or signs all summer and I am still overwhelmed with busyness so I am not sure where I would fit them back in!
So when I was asking Nick what I should give up, I kind of already had Scentsy and Signs both crossed off the list.
It's heartbreaking to me and I still don't know if I'll go through with it but all I know is that I haven't been posting about Scentsy or signs all summer and I am still overwhelmed with busyness so I am not sure where I would fit them back in!
I know I won't give up my Scentsy consultant title, I believe you have to sell $200 worth of product in a single month once a year (it use to be more often but I believe they changed it for now due to covid) to continue your consultant title and I would love to hold onto that because I can see myself becoming a Scentsy consultant again once the kids are all in school or a bit older.
So for now, everyone knows what they're getting this Christmas!! Don't buy yourself any Scentsy!
And the thing with signs is you'll always have a group of family and friends who would like one so I felt like I could never really catch up ever so taking a bigger break will allow me some rest, and in turn my creative juices will start flowing and I'll be able to enjoy making signs again and then I would LOVE to make them for friends and family.
And as far as the blog goes, I would love to write more.
I have been trying to put out these thought dumps, even though my wrist is MESSED up.
Seriously I can hardly use my wrist for anything. eeek, it worries me.
I would love to focus on fashion, beauty and trash Monday over on instagram.
Getting a bit away from family and fired up segments.
2019-2021 saw so many tragedies and it felt like I had to take them all on, plus my own personal charges - which is everything by the way lol. I feel passionate about everything!
But, I am tired, I feel burnt out and exhausted.
I imagine if I'm feeling this then others are too and so I would really like to add to something easy and lighthearted. Being lighthearted doesn't mean I am not taking charge behind the scenes, I just need a space to enjoy my time and be my creative outlet.
So I'm still struggling with what to do, I would love to continue my Etsy shop, not taking any customs just make and list! So stay tuned for that, I'm figuring it out, still a hot mess really.. but I think I can finally say it out-loud - Signs and Scensty have to go. ... .... ? right?? gah! hahahah