Nick didn't even see it! Blew right passed and started putting Elliott in the car.
Me: "hey what's this!"
Nick: "I don't know I thought you put it there to bring"
Someone in our neighborhood started a "Christmas Spirit" pay it forward and it is THE. CUTEST. THING.
It really brought me back to what this season is all about. I've been so, so, so busy, like 10,000 emails to answer/ messages/ wrapping, cooking, cleaning, working, blah-dy blah to do.
At the end of the day what I really need to do is be present and soak up all the memories because 2015 is just about up!
What a fun way to spread cheer, I've already picked up my treats to pass out, now I just have to sneak around the neighbourhood! ;)
Kinda makes you stop dead in your tracks and appreciate things a bit more eh? That's really nice of someone. :)